View your Projects

View your Projects

Click “Dashboard” at the top of the screen. This will have a list of permits and their current state in the process.



TIP: If you get to the Dashboard page and there are no projects, but you have projects you have applied for or in the process. To fix this, change your jurisdiction on the “General Filters” sidebar. Change this selection to “All” and it will display every application and permit for your account.



Dashboard List Page

This page will give you quick access to your applications and projects.



General Filters

Uses these filters to narrow down the projects and/or applications that are listed. This is commonly used by contractors that have multiple projects.


Project List

In the middle of the screen you will see projects cards for each of the projects you have associated with this account and selected filter. Each project will have an associated number and type.


Types of Projects

App - Applications and requests will turn into projects once they are accepted by the jurisdiction.

Project - Projects can be listed as accepted, pending/unsent, denied, returned, or completed.




To View a project, Select “Open” on the top right of the project card.




Requests by Type

This chart will display the ratio of your project by status on the right side of the page.



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